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Securities Intermediaries and Asset Management Companies

The supervision on securities intermediaries and asset management companies resulted from the enactment of the National Ordinance on the Supervision of Securities Intermediaries and Asset Management Companies (N.G. 2016, no. 79) (“NOSSIAM”) as of June 2017.

The main objectives of the NOSSIAM are to promote an adequate functioning of the financial and capital market and to protect the (potential) investors on these markets. Furthermore, the NOSSIAM aims to preserve and foster the good reputation of Curaçao as a respectable international financial center. Exerting effective supervision comprises among other things, ensuring transparency and business integrity, promoting sound business conduct, and fostering an adequate functioning of the securities intermediaries and capital market.

Legislation   |   Guidelines   |   Application Forms   |   Supervised Institutions

Last updated: 18.10.2024 15:10