What services do we offer you?
We analyse your business model and advise you on how it may fit into the existing regulatory framework. We explain and clarify questions on specific laws, regulations and policies you may have. We accompany you in connecting with the appropriate regulatory department to obtain your license, if required. In short we offer:
- Information and answers on your questions
- Individual meetings
- Guidance
- Assistance in the process to obtain a license, registry, or exemption
- Assist you online and interactively in exploring the type of license you may need
- To request our services, please complete and submit the form on this page
Things we don´t do
The Innovation Office services have limitations and there are services we do not offer. Things we don´t do are juridical advice, testing of products (we are no sandbox), licensing (the Innovation Office does not emit licenses, but we accompany you to the right department within the CBCS).
Who can access?
The Innovation Office is accessible to everybody who is interested in the topic of FinTech, especially entrepreneurs in the corresponding sector. It doesn´t matter if you are already regulated by the CBCS or not. It doesn´t matter if your innovation is still in the design phase or already adopted by the market.