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PB 2022-035 Targeted support to most vulnerable groups in society should be considered

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No. 2022-035

Amid soaring commodity prices
Targeted support to most vulnerable groups in society should be considered

Willemstad/Philipsburg – “The war in Ukraine and COVID-related lockdowns in China have pushed both oil and non-oil commodity prices higher and worsened supply chain bottlenecks, further increasing already elevated inflation. The higher international commodity prices are also fueling inflation across the monetary union which is projected to also remain elevated next year,” explains Centrale Bank van Curacao en Sint Maarten (CBCS) President Richard Doornbosch. Against this background, Doornbosch recommends that the governments of Curaçao and Sint Maarten implement targeted support to the most vulnerable groups in society. The soaring commodity prices on international markets is a common element running through all chapters of today’s published Economic Bulletin of September 2022 of the CBCS.

Last updated: 11.02.2025 14:02